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  1. eZ Publish / Platform
  2. EZP-13485

Field order in contact class editing - not so nice to use.




      to change the field order the up and down arrows work fine, but when i want to simply change the number (because the field is at the bottom but i want it at the top), it does not work. it doesn work if i change the number of the one i want to move and i change the number of the field it is replacing. BUT if they are not swapping places and actually i just want all the fields to move down one. this could be adjusted by using a drop down menu for the field order, but also not allowing duplicate field order values. if i choose 1 then what field was one should be come 2 and the rest adjust accordingly.

      if i use the arrows then i have to hit up arrow and wait for the screen to refresh and then hit it again. this makes the process very very long. please help? thanks

      Steps to reproduce

      go to the last field when editing a contact class.
      try to change it from the last in the order to the first in the order by changing order number from 12 to 1. apply. it does not move.




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