Resolution: Unresolved
Operating System: RHEL 6.2
PHP Version: 5.3.3
Database and version: Mysql 5.1.61
Browser (and version): Firefox 11
When adding a new Event in the Calendar, I get the following warnings in eZ Debug:
Warning: eZTemplate:ezdesign
Design element javascript/ezoe/ez_core.js does not exist in any design
Warning: eZTemplate:ezdesign
Tried files: extension/ezteamroom/design/ezteamroom/javascript/ezoe/ez_core.js, design/base/javascript/ezoe/ez_core.js, extension/selenium/design/standard/javascript/ezoe/ez_core.js, extension/ezevent/design/standard/javascript/ezoe/ez_core.js, extension/ezteamroom/design/standard/javascript/ezoe/ez_core.js, extension/ezlightbox/design/standard/javascript/ezoe/ez_core.js, extension/ezxmlinstaller/design/standard/javascript/ezoe/ez_core.js, extension/ezmultiupload/design/standard/javascript/ezoe/ez_core.js, extension/ezjscore/design/standard/javascript/ezoe/ez_core.js, design/standard/javascript/ezoe/ez_core.js
Steps to reproduce
1. Access the teamroom siteaccess of your eZ Publish installation 2. Login as admin 3. On the ezteamroom frontpage click on Create new teamroom 4. Enter the information: Name: Teamroom 1 Access: Private Feature list: Calendar 5. Click on Create 6. Run the frequent cronjob Verify that creating an event in a calendar in a teamroom works 1. Go to Sitemap -> Calendar under "Teamroom 1" 2. Click on the button Add new event 3. Enter the information: Full title: Play squash Short title: Squash Description: In Oslo Date: Type=normal, select current date for both From and To dates by clicking on the calendar icon Location: Oslo 4. Verify the warnings in eZ Debug