Resolution: Unresolved
Known Issues 5.x Stack, 5.0.0rc1
OS: Debian 6
DB: PostgreSQL 8.4.8
Host/Client OS: ubuntu/xubuntu 11.10
Browser: firefox 16
Removing an article will not clear the link to it in a folder until the browser cache is cleared.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a folder "Folder A"
2. Create an article inside "Folder A", called "Article B"
3. Through eZDemo, access "Article B"
4. Through the back-office, remove "Article B"
5. Refresh the browser tab where you accessed "Article B" in eZDemo, verify that you get a "Module not found" error
6. Through eZdemo, access "Folder A", verify that the link to "Article B" is still visible
7. Clear your browser's cache, verify that the link to "Article B" is gone.
Issue Links
- relates to
EZP-19959 Cache not working correctly with eZ Demo on eZ Publish 5
- Closed