Resolution: Fixed
5.0, 5.1
Aconcagua Sprint 1, Aconcagua Sprint 2
When the REST API was integrated with Symfony, URL management wasn't changed. It still uses the old API, and creates lots of duplicates. Routing.yml is used for routing, while the EzPublish UrlHandler (custom) has its own list of URI patterns that are used for parameters matching & URL generation.
The whole custom part must be replaced with symfony's router and url handler
Issue Links
- testing discovered
EZP-21066 Deleting a content type doesn't delete drafts
- Backlog
EZP-21071 REST allows you to DELETE a content that is in trash, and makes the DB inconsistent
- Backlog
EZP-21158 Change requestParser->generate() to router->generate in REST Client
- Backlog
EZP-21059 GET /content/objects/<contentId>/relations doesn't match specifications
- Specification Done
EZP-21082 SPI cache error on URL alias
- Closed
EZP-21094 Successful POST /user/sessions doesn't have a Location header
- Closed
EZP-21227 [Rest API] Copy content type will create copy identifier wrongly
- Closed
- links to