Resolution: Fixed
5.3.1, 5.4-dev, 1.5.1
Castor Core S1
The field value of the object relation and object relations fields in the REST provides only the regular content id instead of providing the REST id (the URL to the resource). For instance, for an object relation, the field value is:
{ "id": 639, "fieldDefinitionIdentifier": "relation", "languageCode": "eng-GB", "fieldValue": { "destinationContentId": 84 } }
instead of 84, we should get the /api/ezp/v2/content/objects/84 together with the content type so that a REST client can browse to the targetted content.
Issue Links
- relates to
EZP-22252 As an editor, I want the relation field to be displayed in the raw content view
- Closed
EZP-26357 Relation fields displays objects from other translations
- Closed
EZP-24994 "Default Location" is not being honored when using the UDW for "Relations List" and "Relation" fields
- Closed
- links to