Resolution: Fixed
1.7.2, 1.8.1, 1.9.0
Operating System: Debian 8
PHP Version: 5.6.30-0+deb8u1
Database and version: Mysql 5.5.54-0+deb8u1
Browser (and version): Firefox 52
Env: Prod
This issue is similar to EZP-27128, but insted of keywords, use images/media/files
Steps to Reproduce
- Add an image/media/file attribute to a Article content type
- Create one article with name "Article1" and insert an image/media/file "111".
- Publish. This will create version1
- Edit the created article and update name to "Article2" and replace the image/binary/file attachement. (attach "222")
- Publish it. This will create version2
- Go to "versions" tab of the article, and create a new draft based on verison1 (the one that has the first inserted image/media/binary ("111"))
- When we edit this new draft, we see that the article name is respected accordingly to the chosen version (Article1), but the image/binary/file
is not. We have the attach "222", that is related to version2 and not the chosen version (should be attach "111")