Steps to reproduce
- Install clean Ibexa DXP.
- Create a content e.g. folder with these chars: MAKİNEİÇ DIŞ TİC. ŞTİ. ʻ
- Run reindex command with a legacy search (php bin/console ibexa:reindex --processes 1)
In SearchIndex.php line 120: eZ\Publish\Core\Search\Legacy\Content\WordIndexer\Repository\SearchIndex::addObjectWordLink(): Argument #5 ( $nextWordId) must be of type int, null given, called in /var/www/html/vendor/ezsystems/ezplatform-kernel/eZ/ Publish/Core/Search/Legacy/Content/WordIndexer/Gateway/DoctrineDatabase.php on line 268
Unable to index the content ["contentId" => xx,"error" => "Warning: Undefined array key "makIne""]
It all depends on the PHP version and the settings themselves. The first can be obtained if we have warring error reporting disabled or all (PHP 8)
Expected Result
indexing should complete without any problems
There is no problem with SOLR