As a QA I want to implement test scenarios to coverage storefront including the following parts of the system:
- verifying product list page
- verifying product page
- verifying cart page
- verifying checkout pages
- verifying product variants
- verifying products filtering
- verifying virtual products (v4.6)
- verifying quick-order functionality (v4.6)
Verify above test cases / scenarios by:
- not logged user
- logged user
- logged user connected with company in corporate account (customer group discounts).
Issue Links
- discovered while testing
IBX-6730 [Catalogs] An error 500 occurred while user trying edit catalog used by storefront
- Closed
- relates to
IBX-6731 [Storefront] Changing currency to different one does not work as it should
- Closed
IBX-6732 [Storefront] Buttons for all standard products in storefront are changed from 'Add to cart' to 'View details'.
- Closed
- testing discovered
IBX-6540 [Checkout] Shipping and Billing addresses does not contains city value on Payment and Summary page
- Closed
IBX-7000 [Storefront] An error 400 bad request occurs when defined in ibexa.yaml catalog has different status than published
- Closed
IBX-8073 [Storefront] Product price and currency is incorrectly displayed on product catalog and cart page behind the varnish
- Confirmed
IBX-8419 [Storefront] File uploaded by quick order is not shown in basket behind varnish
- Confirmed