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  1. Ibexa IBX
  2. IBX-8275

Activation & confirmation page - UI improvements




      Activation page (with contact form):

      1. Terms conditions: font size 14 (it's ok)
      2. Text under terms and conditions: font size 12
      3. Button Send request - if the form is not completed, it should have the disabled status
      4. Change the diagram at ‘Thank you page’ and remove last sentence “For any further inquiries, please contact [sales_mail_address].”
      5. Send request button font size is too small: 13,333 for chrome and 11 px for Safari, according to Figma 14 px is expected
      6. Misaligned checkbox and * for Terms and conditions
      7. Too much space above captcha
      8. Too big form container

      Confirmation page:

            9. Button “Manage campaigns in Qualifio” - replace the link with shorter URL: https://app.qualifio.com/s/login

      Both pages:

            10.Missing link to User guide button: it's now the same as for Product page

            11. Wrong font colour for Discover Ibexa Engage section 

            12. Update main illustration/banner,

            13. In Safari Discover Ibexa Engage overlaps banner

            14. Change the DXP page URL (/qualifio ->/engage)?{}

            15. Button shadow is partially covered. To reproduce change hight of web browser (smaller) and scroll down the page a little.



          1. 11.png
            429 kB
            Barbara Grajczyk
          2. 12.png
            403 kB
            Barbara Grajczyk
          3. 13.png
            389 kB
            Barbara Grajczyk
          4. 15.png
            60 kB
            Barbara Grajczyk
          5. 2.png
            62 kB
            Barbara Grajczyk
          6. 3.png
            323 kB
            Barbara Grajczyk
          7. 4.png
            31 kB
            Barbara Grajczyk
          8. 5.png
            54 kB
            Barbara Grajczyk
          9. 6.png
            19 kB
            Barbara Grajczyk
          10. 7.png
            98 kB
            Barbara Grajczyk
          11. 8.png
            575 kB
            Barbara Grajczyk



              Unassigned Unassigned
              radoslaw.zep@ibexa.co Radosław Zep
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue

