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  1. Ibexa IBX
  2. IBX-8569

Ibexa PIM product completeness: shortcomings and problems in v4.6



    • Ibexa Experience


      There are a number of problems and shortcomings related to product completeness as provided in Ibexa 4.6 PIM.

      [1] In the product menu, we've found no tools which would allow users to notice completeness issues and to organize themselves into work on those issues. The only position to discover completeness issues is to go to the product's full view (one by one).

      What's missing immediately:

      • Completeness report per category/catalog etc. Some way of encouraging users to enrich the data and helping them identify areas of greatest concern.
      • Ability to filter products by completeness, in order to easily find products that deserve extra attention and data. For example, filter by completeness 20-50%.
      • Ability to see completeness as one of the fields in product listing.

      [2] There is no way to define completeness by administrators. This is a real problem because completeness gets calculated not according to actual business or quality needs, but based on some generic rules. This means 100% completeness may be virtually not achievable in most configurations & circumstances.

      Here's some problems:

      • False indication of completeness problem. Content and/or product attributes which make no sense/value to carry values in some specific situations (optional, irrelevant), may lower product's completeness factor.
      • Decreasing completeness based on missing product translation (and possibly other sources of completeness, too). It is absolutely legal to have an Ibexa instance with 10 languages in use and only a PIM/webshop for one market with one language. Why should the other 9 languages decrease completeness for all the products all the time?

      [3] We found no information in the user guide or dev doc on whether completeness has any impact on anything, especially on products' availability on the front.





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              45fc158e-1e71-4a12-9a5d-3210b3f553ee@accounts.ibexa.co Piotr Karaƛ
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