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- EZP-25157
Wrong solr field used for location priority - EZP-25152
Fields in main language always included on always available content - EZP-25140
Add the possibility to override files when copying configuration files - EZP-25133
Allow to edit a draft version of a content - EZP-25124
Incorrect installation instructions provided by composer create-project [v1.0.0-beta8] - EZP-25108
As an editor, I want to able to embed images in the RichText editor - EZP-25041
User and UserGroup do not implement getField method - EZP-25021
Implement missing limitation mappers - EZP-24864
Add breadcrumbs for each location in the Location tab - EZP-24829
The "+" icon in a richtext fieldtype only appears partially when in "Focus" mode - EZP-24040
Date/Time attributes are not timezone friendly
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