
    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: High High
    • None
    • None
    • Platform > Hybrid UI


      As an Editor, I want to see a list of all content items that were deleted from content structure in the trash


      Empty ‘Trash' page view

      Given that the Trash is empty
      When I click on ’Trash’ in the Discovery action bar
      Then I am navigated to the Trash management page
      AND I see a table labeled ‘Trash’
      AND I see a message ‘Trash empty. Any content items you send to trash will end up here.' 

      Sending non-container content item(s) to trash

      Given that the Trash is empty 
      AND I am browsing the content repository 
      When I send the following items to trash
          About (non-container) from the path Home
          Subscribe (non-container) from the path Home \ Newsletter
      AND I click on ’Trash’ in the Discovery action bar
      Then I am navigated to the Trash management page
      AND I see a table labeled ‘Trash’ with two disabled buttons - ‘Restore under new parent' & ‘Restore’
      AND I see the following table which lists the details of each deleted content item
        Name Content type Original path
      checkbox About About Home
      checkbox Subscribe Subscribe Home \ Newsletter

      Sending container content item(s) with sub-items to trash

      Given that the Trash is empty 
      AND I am browsing the content repository 
      AND I am on the ‘Tastes’ folder which contains the following sub-items
          Italian Cuisine
          French Cuisine
          Mexican Cuisine 
      AND the path of the ‘Tastes’ folder is Home \ Places & Tastes
      When I send the ’Tastes’ folder to trash
      AND I click on ’Trash’ in the Discovery action bar
      Then I am navigated to the Trash management page
      AND I see a table labeled ‘Trash’ with two disabled buttons - ‘Restore under new parent' & ‘Restore’
      AND I see the following table which lists the details of each deleted content item
        Name Content type Original path
      checkbox Tastes Folder Home \ Places & Tastes
      checkbox Italian Cuisine Article Item’s ancestors are in Trash
      checkbox French Cuisine Article Item’s ancestors are in Trash
      checkbox Mexican Cuisine Article Item’s ancestors are in Trash
      Open Questions

      1. When I send a content item to trash, do we capture the date and time?
      If we do, then we can probably use this metric to sort the content items in the table i.e. the most recently deleted content items will appear at the top of the table.
      2. In case we don't capture the date and time. What can be the other Default sort order options for the content items in this table?
      3. Will the URL for this page be — ?


        1. Trash.png
          90 kB
          Supriya Bhargava
        2. Trash Empty.png
          57 kB
          Supriya Bhargava



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   Supriya Bhargava (Inactive)
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